Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Feet penguin release - NIWA

Happy Feet penguin release - NIWA Tube. Duration : 1.93 Mins.

Credit: NIWA Happy Feet was released at 10.30 am this morning, 49 miles due north of Campbell Island, at a depth of 285 metres. The emperor penguin was released down a purpose-made 'hydro-slide' off the stern ramp of the vessel by Wellington Zoo, Manager of Veterinary Science, Dr Lisa Argilla and NIWA staff. Other options to release the Happy Feet, including using an inflatable boat, could not be used because of the weather. Dr Argilla said the release went without a hitch. "Happy Feet needed some gentle encouragement to leave the safety of his crate that has been his home for six days. He slid down his specially designed penguin slide backwards but once he hit the water he spared no time in diving off away from the boat and all those 'aliens' who have been looking after him for so long. He didn't even look back. No gratitude shown!" "It's an indescribable feeling to see a patient finally set free! It's definitely the best part of the job," Dr Argilla said. The NIWA team onboard were all out on deck to farewell their special passenger. "After an anxious moment when he disappeared from view, Happy Feet bobbed back up and to the cheers of the crew, looked around, ducked his head and swam away to the starboard side of the stern," says voyage leader Dr Richard O'Driscoll. "We are just happy to see him safely off on his journey home." The team onboard Tangaroa will now continue their voyage on a month-long fisheries survey on Campbell Island southern blue whiting stocks. Happy ...


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