Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Navy SEALs BUDS Class 234 - Part 3 - Two weeks and one long day

Navy SEALs BUDS Class 234 - Part 3 - Two weeks and one long day Video Clips. Duration : 47.35 Mins.

What the hell is this? BUD/S consists of a three-week 'Indoctrination Course', known as INDOC, followed by three phases, covering physical conditioning (seven weeks), diving (eight weeks), and land warfare (ten weeks) respectively. Officer and enlisted personnel go through the same training program. It is designed to develop and test their stamina, leadership, and ability to work as a team. In the first phase, BUD/S students are divided into 'Boat Crews' which can consist of six to eight men. Although some exercises will be undertaken as boat crews (such as 'log PT', which requires boats crews to exercise with logs that weigh 150 lb (68 kg) each, and 'Surf Passage', where boat crews must navigate the Pacific surf in inflatable boats), the first phase of BUD/S also consists of a series of demanding individual physical tests including frequent sets of push-ups and sit-ups, ocean swims and timed 4 mi (6.4 km) runs in boots and long trousers, in soft sand (to be completed in 32 minutes). The first phase is most well known for "Hell Week", 132 hours of continuous physical activity, which now occurs during week three. A student may drop on request (DOR) from the course at any time. The tradition of DOR consists of dropping one's helmet liner next to a pole with a brass ship's bell attached to it and ringing the bell three times (the bell was taken away for a few years in the 1990s, then later brought back). Classes typically lose around 70--80% of their trainees, either due to ...


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